When I went out of engineering school, I was fascinated by the cosmetics industry and wanted to be a production engineer. I achieved this goal, then I met consultants at the factory and decided that THIS was what I wanted to do. So, I joined BearingPoint, discovered what transformation programs with ERP implementations were, then I knew I found what suited me. After that, ERP projects made me travel in so many countries (Guinea, Poland, United States, …), made me discover so many industries (yeast, cosmetics, press, mining, …) that I was comforted in this choice.
Now 15 is not the number of years I have spent in consulting (I am only halfway) but it’s the average number of years between two ERP changes in a company. It is a big invest and challenge for a company and its software users. I would say that IFS is a great deal in improving the user experience (it is modern, well automated, it has a lot of functionalities, …), but this is only the tip of the iceberg ! IFS projects touch every function of a company and changing it is a unique occasion for a fresh start, to focus energy on high added value tasks, to empower people and to digitalize what can be digitalized … but most importantly, to simplify processes and organizations. That submerged part of the iceberg, the business transformation pushed by the change to IFS, is one of my favorite parts of the job !
My other favorite part is to watch the teams grow, to help and see them evolve as I did those last 8 years. I have a strong feeling that this joint venture between us, will empower everyone from junior to senior as in a startup mindset, but with the great advantage that it is the combination of two solid and proven structures: BearingPoint and IFS.
Arcwide is the extension of a natural and beautiful relationship between BearingPoint and IFS, let’s make the best out of it !